Fiji’s Tourism Super Week, happened from April 30th to May 3rd. This special event assembled together industry leaders, local businesses, and international experts. They discussed and promote sustainable tourism. It was hosted by Tourism Fiji, and they had a series of workshops and panel discussions. They organized it to provide participants with new insights and knowledge in tourism industry.
Adventure travel and sustainability were discussed at the start of the week. The speaker of the evening was Assistant Minister for Tourism and Civil Aviation (MTCA) Alitia Bainivalu. During her guest lecture, Dr. Kelly Bricker,
a professor and director at Arizona State University and vice-chair of the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC), discussed some topics. They discussed “Fostering Sustainable Tourism: The Intersection of Ecotourism, Adventure Tourism, and Community Empowerment in the Pacific Region.”
Dr. Bricker on the event talked about some important topics. They are Sustainable Practices in Adventure Tourism: Lessons from Global and Local Leaders”. Also provided a session on “Exploring Sustainable Tourism in Fiji and the South Pacific: Opportunities, Challenges, and Pathways for Growth.” “Strategic Partnerships for Sustainable Tourism Success: Working with Communities and Stakeholders” was the topic of one of his four workshops.
“Fiji is a wonderful country with stunning natural beauty and a rich cultural heritage. It was an amazing week of information exchange, and I have no doubt that Fiji will keep setting the standard for friendly tourism development and management. With the difficulties, there is a real desire to preserve Fiji’s natural resources and cultural capital for future generations.
The awareness and dedication to sustainability amazed me, but it also made it very evident that everyone involved—the government, business community, and citizens—must develop a national plan to guarantee the preservation of Fiji’s incredible resources. Participating in such a fantastic event put on by Fiji’s Tourism Fiji was a true pleasure, according to Dr. Kelly Bricker.
A Cruise Symposium Conference with a focus on Fiji’s cruise tourism future was also a part of the event. Dr. Bricker spoke with Joel Katz, Managing Director of Cruise Lines International Association (CLIA) Australasia, Allison Haworth West, Executive Chair of Captain Cook Cruises, and Sunishma Singh, Sustainability Officer of Tourism Fiji, about the latest developments and sustainable practices that are important to the industry’s long-term success.
The Fiji’s Tourism Super Week in Fiji gave industry participants a great opportunity to get together, share ideas, create new alliances, and promote the future growth of the tourism industry.
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